Quantum Hyperlight is created by passing light through the BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics® lens, which has positive effects for both vision and brain function. This contributes to improvements in one’s general physical and mental state, thereby optimising bodily functions.
- Enhanced concentration, attention, and memory
- Faster and better decisions
- Optimal mental performance during periods of intense mental overload
- Increased productivity and efficiency
Quantum Hyperlight Optics®
a new breakthrough in medical technology!
THE Science and Medical Studies Show:
Revolution in Optics - Hi-Tech, Swiss-Engineered, Premium Quality Quantum Hyperlight Optics® Based on Fullerene C60 Any light passing through the THE® Glasses is transformed into a uniquely structured – Hyper-harmonized light format
THE® Tesla Glasses provide a sharper image (even in poor light conditions) and contribute to better and faster decision-making, thus making us more efficient, successful, and more relaxed in everyday professional and leisure activities.
- Reduce light scattering inside the eye
- Improve visual acuity
- Increase contrast sensitivity and colour intensity, and reduce reflection
- Eliminate fatigue and discomfort in the eyes
- Prevent the blinding effects of sudden bright light
THE® Tesla Glasses provide a sharper image (even in poor light conditions) and contribute to better and faster decision-making, thus making us more efficient, successful, and more relaxed in everyday professional and leisure activities.
- Reduce light scattering inside the eye
- Improve visual acuity
- Increase contrast sensitivity and colour intensity, and reduce reflection
- Eliminate fatigue and discomfort in the eyes
- Prevent the blinding effects of sudden bright light
THE® Tesla Glasses have anti-aging effects on the skin around the eyes. They eliminate and convert, in the same way, all types of dangerous light spectrum radiation into health-promoting light waves that maintain and stimulate natural regeneration/synthesis of collagen and elastin.
This contributes to alleviating the existing wrinkles around the eyes and preventing new ones from emerging.
Such a unique feature is another reason to wear them both indoors and outdoors!
Hyperharmonized light (hyper-structured light) has the same energy structure as 85% of the healthy biomolecules in the human body. Due to various factors (natural aging process, environmental pollution, stress, etc.), the healthy state of biomolecules becomes disturbed, causing illnesses and premature aging.
Hyperharmonized light (hyper-structured light), with its unique format, maintains and restores the energy in disturbed biomolecules (structured body matter), bringing them into the same ideal format – in a natural healthy state.According to the Resonance principles of biomimicry, when two entities/resonators (as hyperharmonized light and healthy biomolecules) possess the same type of symmetry, hyperharmonized light, because it is ideally structured, prevails and imposes its energy and information properties onto the disturbed biomolecules. This brings them into homeostasis and a natural healthy state.
According to the Resonance principles of biomimicry, when two entities/resonators (as Hyper-harmonized light and healthy biomolecules) possess the same type of symmetry, Hyper-harmonized light, because it is ideally structured, prevails and imposes its energy and information properties onto the disturbed biomolecules. This brings them into homeostasis and a natural healthy state.
Any light passing through the THE® Glasses is transformed into a uniquely structured – Hyper-harmonized light format
is a Nobel Prize-Winning
Hyper-Light Therapy Technology
Bioptron is a medical device which supports a range of medical conditions, including:
- Chronic Pain
- Wounds & Scars
- Acne & Psoriasis
- Sports Injuries
- Ageing & Arthritis
- Inflammation
- Immune System
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
Patented nanotechnology based on fullerene C60 and the discoveries of Hyper-harmonized and Hyperpolarized light, which have won numerous prestigious international awards.
Gold Medal, China Association of Inventions, Foshan 2018
Gold Plaque and Gold Medal, Inventions, Belgrade 2018
Gold Medal, Invent Arena, Trinec 2018
Gold Medal, International Federation of Inventors’ Association, Geneva 2018
Gold Medal, International Federation of Inventors’ Association, Geneva 2018
BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics® lenses are coated on both sides with the finest of protective layers. They are easily maintained, scratch-resistant and have a long lifespan.
The quality production of its lenses and frames make BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics® lenses both a patented cutting-edge technology and elegant product. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics® lenses are unique and without competition in the global market.